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Are You Wearing the Best Possible Face Mask that You Can Wear?

Posted by Liz B. on Oct 18, 2020

N95s and Powecom FDA Authorized KN95s are the “gold standard”

Over the past six months, masks have become an essential part of our “wardrobes.” Ipsos Research reports that the majority of Americans are, in fact, wearing masks some or all of the time when leaving the house.

But there is still some confusion as to the difference between various types of masks, and which are best. As Men’s Health recently explained, the average face mask (cloth, bandanas, surgical) “doesn’t filter small particles while you breathe, acting instead as a barrier to catch large particles and droplets.”

The masks designated and officially approved as N95s and KN95s, however, are “respirators.” Respirators seal completely to the skin and filter out 95 percent of particles that are 0.3 microns or larger in diameter. This is the gold standard.

And, Bona Fide is the gold standard when it comes to legitimate, high-quality masks, delivered in a timely fashion, and at a fair price. As noted by customer G.G. in New York City: "You treat your customers as members of a large family you are accountable to, though we are all scattered around the country (and possibly the world) and never seen. I am sure I am speaking for all those who have been able to buy from you. Indeed, I trust your products – I know they are “Bona Fide,” and will buy N95s and PPE from no other source. "

View our selection and order N95 and KN95s here:

If you need an affordable, quickly delivered and trusted option for face masks, please contact us.

Affordable Powecom KN95 Protection